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Sausage Factory


2018 -

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The concept for Sausage Factory came about by chance really: I heard of an artist living and working in London in what had previously been a sausage factory and the moniker took hold . Urban Dictionary defines 'sausage factory' as a gathering that is a predominantly male dominated domain, a place from which women have been largely excluded; and as an unpleasant process used to produce a widely consumed product - all this made me think of the art world...!
The Sausage Factory is a run down and derelict place, it has had many itinerant inhabitants, from the the builders erecting scaffolding to the squatter spending 'lockdown' there hoarding toilet rolls, it became an evolving space. But its most notorious residents (aside from the male artists who had graffitied their names on the walls) were The Wurst Girls, a group of feminist fingers in tins that crawled through every inch of the place establishing a female presence.

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